(21 février 2011) "Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way", 18-22 Avril

Ci-dessous la troisième annonce du colloque "Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way", transmise par Céline Reylé.

Voir http://mw2011.obs-besancon.fr

Date limite d’inscription à tarif "normal" : 1er mars 2011.


Third announcement

The conference Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way
will be held in Le Grand-Bornand, France from April 18-22, 2011.

Preliminary program, registration, abstract submission, and accommodations are available
through the conference website :


Please note the following

1. The deadline for submitting contributed talks is March 1st.

2. Early registration deadline is March 1st. The registration process is a bit lengthly, so do not
wait for the last moment ! When your registration is fulfilled, you will appear in the participant
list (updated once a day).

3. It is still possible to apply for registration assistance. Deadline is February 21.

Scientific Rationale

The exploitation of large scale surveys, such as Gaia, PanStarrs, 2MASS, and many others, will lead to new perspectives on the formation of our Galaxy. The step from the observations to the theoretical understanding is however a great challenge. It involves modeling of many different physical processes, including star formation, chemical evolution and dynamics. The resolution of this puzzle requires exchange between astrophysics experts in each of these physical aspects. The topics of this conference span a wide range from the Halo of the Milky Way, the thin and the thick disc, the galactic Bulge, star formation and interstellar medium and will cover also large scale and/or dedicated observations of our Galaxy as well as different approaches of Galaxy models. The link between these different topics will give a fresh view on the formation and evolution of our Galaxy and allow to use the Milky Way as better calibrator of extragalactic systems. This meeting will be a starting point to assemble the international community already preparing and required the exploitation of the Gaia data.

Invited speakers

L. Athanassoula, T. Bensby, J. Binney, L. Blitz, C. Brook, F. Bournaud, A. Brown, D. Carollo, E. Churchwell, V. Debattista, J. Dickey, B. Famaey, A. Frebel, S. Kazantzidis, K. Freeman, O. Gerhard, G. Gilmore, M. Haywood, A. Helmi, A. Koch, I. Minchev, J. Navarro, D. Pfenniger, J. Read, A. Robin, R. Schoedel, R. Schoenrich, M. Steinmetz, P. Tissera, M. Weinberg

Important dates

Early registration until March, 1st
Hotel reservation : March, 17
End of registration : April, 1st
Oral contribution submission deadline : March, 1st
Poster submission deadline : April, 1st

Registration fees

Early 230 Euros
Late 300 Euros
Students 150 Euros
This fee covers the conference dinner, coffee breaks and 4 lunches during the conference.

Scientific Organizing Commitee

Timothy Beers, James Binney, Herwig Dejonghe, Sofia Feltzing, Francesca Figueras, Ken Freeman, Misha Haywood, Amina Helmi, Daisuke Kawata, Xavier Luri, Dante Minniti, Daniel Pfenniger, Alice Quillen, Celine Reyle, Annie Robin, Mathias Schultheis, Manuela Zoccali

Céline Reylé, on behalf of the SOC


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INSU CNRS Centre National de la recherche scientifique DPAC Gaia ESA