30 avril 2014
Colloques, Symposiums et Conférences
Voir aussi les réunions soutenues par le réseau ESF GREAT :
AstroStats 2011 school and workshop, GREAT-ESF School and Workshop, Alicante, 17-21 juin 2013
Asteroid Spectroscopy in Support of Gaia, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 6-7 juin 2013
Setting the scene for Gaia and LAMOST - the current and next generations of surveys and models, IAU Symposium 298, 20-24 Mai 2013, Lijiang, China Nanjing
First Results from the Gaia-ESO Survey-, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 8-11 avril 2013, OCA, Nice
Science from the Next Generation Imaging and Spectroscopic Surveys, ESO workshop, 15-18 Oct 2012, ESO, Garching, Germany
Advancing the Physics of Cosmic Distances, IAU Symposium 289, 27-31 août 2012, Beijing
Galaxy Evolution through Secular Processes, IAU General Assembly Special Session 3, 20-24 août 2012, Beijing
Stellar Populations 55 years after the Vatican Conference, EWASS Symposium, 2-4 Juillet 2012, Rome
Structure of galaxy disks shaped by secular evolution and environmental processes, EWASS Special Session, 2 juillet 2012, Rome
A new reduction of old observations in the Gaia era, 20-22 juin 2012, Observatoire de Paris
The Milky Way : Stars, Gas, Dust and Magnetic Fields in 3D, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 18-20 juin 2012, Haus der Astronomie, Heidelberg
The metallicity distribution in the Milky Way discs , GREAT-ESF Workshop, 29-31 mai 2012, Bologne
Stars without borders : radial migration in spiral galaxies, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 21-24 mai 2012, Medana, Slovénie
Dynamics of Young Star Clusters and Associations, 42nd Saas-Fee Winter Course, 25-31 mars 2012, Villars-sur-Ollon, Suisse
Gaia Modelling with a Gaia mock catalogue, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 29 février - 2 mars 2012, Barcelone
The Interstellar Medium in Three Dimensions with Gaia, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 11-14 juillet 2011, Leiden
Stellar Atmospheres in the Gaia Era : Quantitative Spectroscopy and Comparative Spectrum Modelling, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 23-24 juin 2011, Bruxelles
QSO Astrophysics, Fundamental physics, and Astrometric Cosmology in the Gaia era, GREAT-ESF Workshop, 6-9 juin 2011, Porto
Stellar Clusters & Associations,, a RIA Workshop on Gaia, 23-27 mai 2011, Grenade, Espagne
The Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale : State of the Art and the Gaia perspective, 3-6 mai 2011, Naples
Solar System science before and after Gaia, 4-6 mai 2011, Pise (*)
Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way, 18-22 april 2011, Le Grand-Bornand (*)
Gaia Chemo-Dynamical Survey Science, 2-4 novembre 2010, Nice (*)
Gaia at the Frontiers of Astrometry, Symposium ELSA 2010, 7-11 juin 2010, Sèvres (*)
The Milky Way and Local Group - Now and in the Gaia Era, 30 août - 4 septembre 2009, Heidelberg
Modelling the Galaxy in the Era of Gaia, IAU JD5, 6-7 août 2009, Rio de Janeiro
Relativity in Fundamental Astronomy, IAU Symp. 261, 27 avril -1er mai 2009, Virginia Beach
ESO Spectroscopic Survey Workshop, 9-10 mars 2009, Garching
(*) soutenu par l’AS Gaia