- Alecian G., Lebreton Y., Richard O., Vauclair G., 2013, Preface, EAS Publications Series 63, p. 1--2
- Arenou F., 2013, The non-single star content of the list of radial velocity standard stars, GAIA-C6-TN-OPM-FA-060
- Babusiaux C., Sartoretti P., Leclerc N., 2013, GIBIS User Guide Version 12.0, GAIA-C2-SP-OPM-CB-003-13
- Babusiaux C., Sartoretti P., Leclerc N., 2013, GIBIS User Guide Version 13.0, GAIA-C2-SP-OPM-CB-003-14
- Bailer-Jones C. A. L., Andrae R., Arcay B., Astraatmadja T., Bellas-Velidis I., al et, Guédé C., al et, Lebreton Y., al et, Pichon B., Recio-Blanco A., al et, Thévenin F., 2013, The Gaia astrophysical parameters inference system (Apsis). Pre-launch description, A&A 559, p. A74
- Barache C., Bouquillon S., Carlucci T., Taris F., Michel L., Altmann M., 2013, VO-Compatible Architecture for Managing and Processing Images of Moving Celestial Bodies : Application to the Gaia-GBOT Project, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXII 475, p. 251, Friedel, D. N. ed.
- Barban C., Deheuvels S., Goupil M. J., Lebreton Y. et al., the CoRoT Team, 2013, Solar-like oscillations in distant stars as seen by CoRoT : the special case of HD 42618, a solar sister, Journal of Physics Conference Series 440, p. 012030
- Benecchi S. D., Noll K., Thirouin A., Ryan E., Grundy W., Verbiscer A., Doressoundiram A., Hestroffer D., Beaton R., Rabinowitz D., Chanover N., 2013, The UT 8 February 2013 Sila-Nunam Mutual Event amp Future Predictions, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 45, p. \#511.06
- Benecchi S. D., Noll K. S., Thirouin A., Ryan E., Grundy W. M., Verbiscer A., Doressoundiram A., Hestroffer D., Beaton R., Rabinowitz D., Chanover N., 2014, The UT 7/8 February 2013 Sila-Nunam mutual event amp future predictions, Icarus 229, p. 423--427
- Bertone S., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Crosta M., Vecchiato A., Minazzoli O., Angonin M.-C., 2013, Relativistic models for Gaia at the (cross)check-point, SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of astronomy and astrophysics, p. 155--159, Cambresy, L. and Martins, F. and Nuss, E. and Palacios, A. ed.
- Briot D., 2013, Elements for the history of a long quest: search for life in the Universe, International Journal of Astrobiology 12, p. 254--258
- Briot D., 2013, The Creator of Astrobotany, Gavriil Adrianovich Tikhov, Astrobiology, History, and Society 288, p. 175, Vakoch, D. A. ed.
- Caffau E., Bonifacio P., Franc cois P., Sbordone L., Spite M., Monaco L., Plez B., Spite F., Zaggia S., Ludwig H.-G., Cayrel R., Molaro P., Randich S., Hammer F., Hill V., 2013, X-shooter GTO: evidence for a population of extremely metal-poor, alpha-poor stars, A&A 560, p. A15
- Caffau E., Bonifacio P., Sbordone L., Franc cois P., Monaco L., Spite M., Plez B., Cayrel R., Christlieb N., Clark P., Glover S., Klessen R., Koch A., Ludwig H.-G., Spite F., Steffen M., Zaggia S., 2013, TOPoS. I. Survey design and analysis of the first sample, A&A 560, p. A71
- Chen H.-C., Lallement R., Babusiaux C., Puspitarini L., Bonifacio P., Hill V., 2013, Extracting interstellar diffuse absorption bands from cool star spectra. Application to bulge clump giants in Baade's window, A&A 550, p. 62
- Chen H.-C., Lallement R., Babusiaux C., Puspitarini L., Bonifacio P., Hill V., 2013, VizieR Online Data Catalog: DIBs from Baade's window bulge clump giants (Chen+, 2013), VizieR Online Data Catalog 355, p. 62
- Compère A., Farrelly D., Lemaître A., Hestroffer D., 2013, A possible mechanism to explain the lack of binary asteroids among the Plutinos, A&A 558, p. A4
- Compère A., Farrelly D., Lemaître A., Hestroffer D., 2013, Dynamical Explanation for the Lack of Binary Asteroids Among the Plutinos, AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting 44, p. \#201.01
- Cordier D., Lebreton Y., Goupil M.-J., Lejeune T., Beaulieu J.-P., Arenou F., 2013, CReSyPS, Astrophysics Source Code Library, p. ascl:1308.009
- Crifo F., Jasniewicz G., 2013, Atmospheric parameters for the 1420 RVS standard stars, first iteration, GAIA-C6-TN-OPM-FCO-001-1
- Desmars J., Bancelin D., Hestroffer D., Thuillot W., 2013, Statistical and numerical study of asteroid orbital uncertainty, A&A 554, p. A32
- Di Matteo P., Haywood M., Combes F., Semelin B., Snaith O. N., 2013, Signatures of radial migration in barred galaxies: Azimuthal variations in the metallicity distribution of old stars, A&A 553, p. A102
- Di Matteo P., Jog C. J., 2013, The structure of galaxy disks shaped by secular evolution and environmental processes. Special session of EWASS 2012, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplementi 25, p. 3
- Doressoundiram A., Roques F., Boissel Y., Arenou F., Dhillon V., Littlefair Stu, Marsh T., 2013, Ground-based exploration of the outer Solar system by serendipitous stellar occultations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 428, p. 2661--2667
- Fornasier S., Lellouch E., Müller T., Santos-Sanz P., Panuzzo P., Kiss C., Lim T., Mommert M., Bockelée-Morvan D., Vilenius E., Stansberry J., Tozzi G. P., Mottola S., Delsanti A., Crovisier J., Duffard R., Henry F., Lacerda P., Barucci A., Gicquel A., 2013, TNOs are Cool: A survey of the trans-Neptunian region. VIII. Combined Herschel PACS and SPIRE observations of nine bright targets at 70-500 $mu$m, A&A 555, p. A15
- Fourtune-Ravard C., Babusiaux C., Gómez A.E., 2013, Mapping the interstellar Galactic extinction: a model-independent way, SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of astronomy and astrophysics., p. 123
- Franc cois P., Pasquini L., Biazzo K., Bonifacio P., Palsa R., 2013, Lithium abundance in the metal-poor open cluster NGC 2243, A&A 552, p. A136
- Fuentes-Carrera I., Olgu'in L., Rosado M., Jablonka P., Di Matteo P., Borissova J., Castañeda H., 2013, Tidal Features in Interacting Galaxies, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series 42, p. 106--106
- Galametz M., Hony S., Galliano F., Madden S. C., Albrecht M., Bot C., Cormier D., Engelbracht C., Fukui Y., Israel F. P., Kawamura A., Lebouteiller V., Li A., Meixner M., Misselt K., Montiel E., Okumura K., Panuzzo P., Roman-Duval J., Rubio M., Sauvage M., Seale J. P., Sewilo M., van Loon J. T., 2013, The thermal dust emission in N158-N159-N160 (LMC) star-forming complex mapped by Spitzer, Herschel and LABOCA, MNRAS 431, p. 1596--1617
- Gavras P., Arenou F., Pourbaix D., Tanga P., 2012, DU439Module 12.0 Software Release Note, GAIA-C4-SP-OPM-PG-011
- Gavras P., Arenou F., 2013, DU439Module 14.1 Software Release Note, GAIA-C4-SP-OPM-PG-013
- Goupil M. J., Mosser B., Marques J. P., Ouazzani R. M., Belkacem K., Lebreton Y., Samadi R., 2013, Seismic diagnostics for transport of angular momentum in stars. II. Interpreting observed rotational splittings of slowly rotating red giant stars, A&A 549, p. A75
- Gruppioni C., Pozzi F., Rodighiero G., Delvecchio I., Berta S., Panuzzo P., 2013, Erratum: The Herschel PEP/HerMES Luminosity Function - I. Probing the Evolution of PACS selected Galaxies to z sime 4, MNRAS 436, p. 2875--2876
- Gruppioni C., Pozzi F., Rodighiero G., Delvecchio I., Berta S., Panuzzo P., 2013, The Herschel PEP/HerMES luminosity function - I. Probing the evolution of PACS selected Galaxies to z sime 4, MNRAS 432, p. 23--52
- Haigron R., Katz D., Arenou F., Blomme R., Chiavassa A., Delle Luche C., Jean-Antoine A., Sartoretti P., Viala Y., 2013, Automated verification of Single Transit Analysis, GAIA-C6-TN-OPM-RHA-001
- Halbwachs J.-L., Arenou F., Guillout P., Pourbaix D., Tal-Or L., Famaey B., Lebreton Y., Mazeh T., 2013, Improved SB2 orbits for HIP 12081 and HIP 87895, p. 127--135
- Haywood M., 2013, The structure and formation of the Milky Way disks., Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplementi 25, p. 11
- Haywood M., Di Matteo P., Lehnert M. D., Katz D., Gómez A., 2013, The age structure of stellar populations in the solar vicinity. Clues of a two-phase formation history of the Milky Way disk, A&A 560, p. A109
- Hestroffer D., Deleflie F., 2013, PODET: A Centre for Earth Dynamical Environment, SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of astronomy and astrophysics, p. 183--188, Cambresy, L. and Martins, F. and Nuss, E. and Palacios, A. ed.
- Hestroffer D., Berthier J., Carry B., David P., Lainey V., Rambaux N., Thuillot W., Arlot J.-E., Bancelin D., Colas F., Desmars J., Devillepoix H., Fouchard M., Ivantsov A., Kovalenko I., Robert V., 2014, Solar System dynamics with the Gaia mission, Journées 2013 ”Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels”, p. 259--262, Capitaine, N. ed.
- Hestroffer D., David P., Saillenfest M., 2014, Local tests of General Relativity with solar system objects and the Gaia mission, Journées 2013 ”Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels”, p. 263--264, Capitaine, N. ed.
- Ivantsov A., Hestroffer D., Thuillot W., Bancelin D., 2013, Asteroid masses with Gaia from ground and space-based observations, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 15, p. 11747
- Ivantsov A., Eggl S., Hestroffer D., Thuillot W., 2014, On future opportunities to observe gravitational scattering of main belt asteroids into NEO source regions, Journées 2013 ”Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels”, p. 271--272, Capitaine, N. ed.
- Jasniewicz G., Thévenin F., Chiavassa A., Bigot L., Chemin L., Crifo F., Hestroffer D., Katz D., Sartoretti P., Soubiran C., Udry S., Zurbach C., 2013, Kinematic versus Spectroscopic Radial Velocities for the Gaia RVS, SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of astronomy and astrophysics, p. 137--140, Cambresy, L. and Martins, F. and Nuss, E. and Palacios, A. ed.
- Lebreton Y., 2013, Impact of asteroseismology on improving stellar ages determination, EAS Publications Series 63, p. 123--133
- Lehnert M. D., Le Tiran L., Nesvadba N. P. H., van Driel W., Boulanger F., Di Matteo P., 2013, 1-3, A&A 555, p. A72
- Lemasle B., Franc cois P., Genovali K., Kovtyukh V. V., Bono G., Inno L., Laney C. D., Kaper L., Bergemann M., Fabrizio M., Matsunaga N., Pedicelli S., Primas F., Romaniello M., 2013, Galactic abundance gradients from Cepheids. $alpha$ and heavy elements in the outer disk, A&A 558, p. A31
- Luri X., O'Mullane W., Alves J., Arenou F., Brown A.G.A, Els S., Hambly N., Helmi A., Jordan S., Krone-Martins A., van Leeuwen F., Masana E., Di Matteo P., Mercier E., Moitinho A., Osuna P., Salgado J., Tapiador D., Walton N., 2013, Delivering the promise of Gaia - Response to ESA's Announcement of Opportunity, GAIA-C9-PL-UB-XL-033
- Marques J. P., Goupil M. J., Lebreton Y., Talon S., Palacios A., Belkacem K., Ouazzani R.-M., Mosser B., Moya A., Morel P., Pichon B., Mathis S., Zahn J.-P., Turck-Chièze S., Nghiem P. A. P., 2013, Seismic diagnostics for transport of angular momentum in stars. I. Rotational splittings from the pre-main sequence to the red-giant branch, A&A 549, p. A74
- Mastrobuono-Battisti A., Di Matteo P., Montuori M., Haywood M., 2013, On the origin of the clumpy streams of Palomar 5., Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 84, p. 240
- Meixner M., Panuzzo P., 2013, The HERSCHEL Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Magellanic Clouds, a Herschel Open Time Key Program, \textbackslashaj, 146, p. 62
- Oszkiewicz D., Hestroffer D., Pedro D. C., 2013, Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Orbit Computation for Binary Asteroids, SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of astronomy and astrophysics, p. 189--194, Cambresy, L. and Martins, F. and Nuss, E. and Palacios, A. ed.
- Pourbaix D., Arenou F., Halbwachs J.-L., Siopis C., 2013, Binaries and distances, 289, p. 70--73
- Rampazzo R., Panuzzo P., Vega O., Marino A., Bressan A., Clemens M. S., 2013, A Spitzer-IRS spectroscopic atlas of early-type galaxies in the Revised Shapley-Ames Catalog, MNRAS 432, p. 374--403
- Robin A., Reylé C., Arenou F., Babusiaux C., Latorre I., Musoll A., Luri X., Sartoretti P., Tanga P., Grux E., 2013, Universe Model 13.0 overview, GAIA-C2-TN-LAOB-AR-004-13
- Rémy-Ruyer A., Madden S. C., Galliano F., Hony S., Sauvage M., Bendo G. J., Roussel H., Pohlen M., Smith M. W. L., Galametz M., Cormier D., Lebouteiller V., Wu R., Baes M., Barlow M. J., Boquien M., Boselli A., Ciesla L., De Looze I., Karczewski O. L., Panuzzo P., 2013, Revealing the cold dust in low-metallicity environments. I. Photometry analysis of the Dwarf Galaxy Survey with Herschel, A&A 557, p. A95
- Sartoretti P., 2013, CU6 Progress Report for Cycle 13, GAIA-C6-PR-OPM-PS-016
- Sartoretti P., 2013, CU6 progress report for end of Cycle 14, GAIA-C6-PR-OPM-PS-019
- Sartoretti P., 2013, Minutes of the 15th CU6 meeting, GAIA-C6-MN-OPM-PS-016
- Silva Aguirre V., Basu S., Brand ao I. M., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Deheuvels S., Dou gan G., Metcalfe T. S., Serenelli A. M., Ballot J., Chaplin W. J., Cunha M. S., Weiss A., Appourchaux T., Casagrande L., Cassisi S., Creevey O. L., Garcia R. A., Lebreton Y., Noels A., Sousa S. G., Stello D., White T. R., Kawaler S. D., Kjeldsen H., 2013, Stellar Ages and Convective Cores in Field Main-sequence Stars: First Asteroseismic Application to Two Kepler Targets, ApJ 769, p. 141
- Soubiran C., Jasniewicz G., Chemin L., Crifo F., Udry S., Hestroffer D., Katz D., 2013, The catalogue of radial velocity standard stars for Gaia. I. Pre-launch release, A&A 552, p. A64
- Soubiran C., Jasniewicz G., Chemin L., Crifo F., Udry S., Hestroffer D., Katz D., 2013, The catalogue of radial velocity standard stars for Gaia. I. Pre-launch release. Vizier, VizieR Online Data Catalog 355, p. 29064
- Taris F., Andrei A., Klotz A., Vachier F., C?te R., Bouquillon S., Souchay J., Lambert S., Anton S., Bourda G., Coward D., 2013, Optical monitoring of extragalactic sources for linking the ICRF and the future Gaia celestial reference frame. I. Variability of ICRF sources, A&A 552, p. http://cdsads.u--strasbg.fr/abs/2013A\%26A...552A..98T, 2013A&A...552A..98T, referee
- Taris F., Andrei A., Klotz A., Vachier F., Cote R., Bouquillon S., Souchay J., Lambert S., Anton S., Bourda G., Coward D., 2013, VizieR Online Data Catalog: Optical monitoring of extragalactic sources (Taris+, 2013), VizieR Online Data Catalog 355, p. 29098
- Thuillot W., Lainey V., Dehant V., Arlot J.-E., 2014, Recent activities of the FP7-ESPaCE consortium, Journées 2013 ”Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels”, p. 277--279, Capitaine, N. ed.
- Todd M., Coward D. M., Tanga P., Thuillot W., 2013, Australian Participation in the Gaia Follow-up Network for Solar System Objects, PASA 30, p. 14
- Viala Y., Blomme R., Damerdji Y., David M., Delle Luche C., Frémat Y., Gosset E., Katz D., Kos J., Zerjal M., Zwitter T., 2013, Single Transit Analysis (DU650) Software Requirements Specification, GAIA-C6-SP-OPM-YV-001-13
- Viala Y., Blomme R., Damerdji Y., David M., Delle Luche C., Frémat Y., Gosset E., R. Haigron, Katz D., Kos J., Marchal O., Sartoretti P., Zerjal M., Zwitter T., 2013, Single transit Analysis (DU650) Software Test Specification, Gaia Report to ESA GAIA-C6-SP-OPM-YV-008-5
- Wu R., Polehampton E. T., Etxaluze M., Makiwa G., Naylor D. A., Salji C., Swinyard B. M., Ferlet M., van der Wiel M. H. D., Smith A. J., Fulton T., Griffin M. J., Baluteau J.-P., Benielli D., Glenn J., Hopwood R., Imhof P., Lim T., Lu N., Panuzzo P., Pearson C., Sidher S., Valtchanov I., 2013, Observing extended sources with the Herschel SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer, A&A 556, p. A116
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