(2 novembre 2010) Atelier "Gaia-FUN-SSO"

L’atelier "Gaia Follow-Up Network for the Solar System Objects" est organisé du lundi 29 novembre au mercredi 1er Décembre 2010 par William Thuillot et Paola Tanga à l’Observatoire de Paris, salle de l’Atelier.

Site web de l’atelier : https://www.imcce.fr/langues/en/publications/colloques/gaiafun/

The observation of Solar System Objects (SSO) by the Gaia space astrometry mission will be constrained by a scanning law. Several detections of interesting objects may be done with no possibility of further observations by the probe. These objects will then require complementary ground-based observations. Among them, previously unknown Near-Earth Objects, fast moving towards the Earth or going away from it could be found. Several objects discovered by Gaia can also be Inner-Earth Objects, since the probe will observe at rather low Solar elongations. In order to achieve the goal of following interesting targets soon after their first detection in space, a dedicated network is organized, the Gaia Follow-Up Network for SSO. This task is performed in the frame the Coordination Unit 4 of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC), devoted to data processing of specific objects. The goal of the network will be to improve the knowledge of the orbit of poorly observed targets by astrometric observations on alert. This activity will be coordinated by a central node interacting with the Gaia data reduction pipeline all along the mission. We organize a workshop in Paris in November 2010 in order to promote the coordination of the network of observing stations already identified or to get in touch with possibly new stations. During this workshop, the status of Gaia will be presented, the alert process and the data processing will be discussed. The participants will be invited to present their equipment, instruments, observing sites and to express their needs and interest. They also will try to converge, during appropriate discussion sessions, to agreed procedures for observation, data policy, and other issues common to all the observers.


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INSU CNRS Centre National de la recherche scientifique DPAC Gaia ESA