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A short C.V.

Senior research engineer for the french CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), I am working since November 1983 at the Paris Observatory. Formerly, my work was related to the european astrometric satellite Hipparcos, successively on its Input Catalogue, then data processing, and finally contributing to its science exploitation. I am since 1997 mostly involved in the preparation --> data processing --> science exploitation of the Gaia satellite (launched on 19-12-2013, end of scientific operations on 15-01-2025).

So, in brief, my main field is astronomy ;-)

Beside the technical work (IT-related: e.g. software development e.g., in the past, on databases or the first ObsPM Web server) or, from times tot times, teaching (statistics, computer languages), I defended my Ph.D. in 1993 and the full list of my scientific papers and technical notes can be found on my web page (or here on the NASA ADS for the articles only). These papers deal mostly with:

If needed, you can contact me here Frédéric Arenou.

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