8th RVS workshop
Padova - June 3-4 2004

List of Actions

(by courtesy of A. Prsa)


Thursday 3 June

Session 1: Introduction
9.00- 9.10 Welcome A. Vallenari
9.10- 9.40 RVS status D. Katz
9.40-10.10 RVS consortium status M. Cropper
10.10-10.30 Gaia parameter database S. Ansari
10.30-11.00 Discussions

11.00-11.30 ----------- Coffee Break ------------------

Session 2: On-board data handling
11.30-11.55 Sampling strategy in MBP/RVF F. Chereau
11.55-12.20 Telemetry budget assessment Y. Viala
12.20-12.45 Selection strategy A. Vallenari

12.45-14.15 ------------- Lunch -----------------------

Session 2: On-board data handling
14.15-14.45 Discussions

Session 3: Star and RVS simulation
14.45-15.10 RVS performances on rotational velocities A. Gomboc
15.10-15.30 MSSL simulator status M. Cropper
15.30-15.50 Libraries of synthetic spectra for GAIA U. Munari
15.50-16.15 Kurucz programs U. Jauregi

16.15-16.45 ----------- Coffee Break ------------------

Session 3: Star and RVS simulation
16.45-17.10 Gaia spectral library on-line S. Ansari
17.10-17.30 Improving synthetic model and spectra F. Thevenin, L. Bigot, P. de Laverny, A. Recio-Blanco
17.30-17.50 Libraries of observed spectra for GAIA R. Sordo
17.50-18.10 Molecular spectra in the GAIA range P. Marrese
18.10-18.40 Discussions

Friday 4 June

Session 3: Star and RVS simulation
9.00-9.30 Discussions

Session 4: On-ground data calibration & analysis, RVS performances and science case
9.30-9.55 RAVE status A. Siebert
9.55-10.20 RVS data model and GIS A. Hui-Bon-Hoa
10.20-10.45 Wavelength calibration F. Crifo
Gaia GRID S. Ansari

10.45-11.15 ----------- Coffee Break ------------------

11.15-11.35 Extraction and analysis algorithms A. Prsa
11.35-11.55 Double blind test: crowding T. Zwitter, D. Katz
11.55-12.15 Diagnostics from emission lines in the GAIA range A. Siviero
12.15-12.35 Diagnostic absorption line ratios in GAIA spectra F. Boschi

12.35-14.05 ------------- Lunch -----------------------

14.05-14.30 Atmospheric parameters and test fields A. Recio-Blanco, P. de Laverny, F. Thevenin
14.30-14.55 Probing Galactic reddening with the 8620 A DIB S. Vidrih
14.55-16.00 Discussions